When Will Tomorrow End


This short film written and directed by the talented Robbie Ikegami takes a look at the lives of a young couple in Los Angeles, seven years into their marriage, as they make an effort to bring some life to their otherwise lackluster relationship. The film’s style is heavily inspired by French classics—even the narration is entirely in French—and the music follows suit.

Speaking of the music: atypical to my usual composing process, I was asked to create the main theme for the film before seeing any footage. This theme is presented as “Happier Times” on the soundtrack, and happened to work well enough to serve as the score for the Super 8mm “flashback” reel scene. And toward the end of the film, Gus plays a meandering rendition of this theme on the piano in their apartment—that’s “At the Piano (Source)” on the soundtrack.

I love figuring out how to solve the unique challenges each project brings to the table. The score for this film had to be smaller in scale and more intimate than just about any other project I’ve worked on, in a style of music I’ve never before attempted. It was great fun to work within those constraints. I hope you enjoy the film, embedded below for your viewing pleasure! And If you like the music and want to download it, please consider purchasing your own digital copies on iTunesAmazonGoogle Play, or listen on Apple Music and Spotify!



Hope Again

This is an informational video I scored for a cool non-profit organization called Hope Again. Their mission is simply to serve the poor, homeless, and disenfranchised in the Hollywood area, assisting those who are trapped in poverty, crime and substance abuse. Please check out the video to find out more!

HOPE AGAIN logo.jpg

Golden Goal!


dir. Mirwan Suwarso

Golden Goal! is a fun, hilarious sports comedy film that composer Deane Ogden and I scored last year. In general, Deane took on more of the “rock” sections of the music, while I provided much of the orchestral elements and themes.

Human Target


Composer Tim Jones worked on FOX’s television series Human Target. I did some assistant work for Tim for a short time, and managed to write a cue for an episode in the show’s second season (“Kill Bob”).




Composer Tim Jones worked on NBC’s hit television series Chuck. I did some assistant work for Tim for a short time, and managed to write a few cues for two episodes in the show’s fourth season (“Chuck vs. the Gobbler” and “Chuck vs. the Push Mix”).


Children’s Hunger Fund®: “About CHF”

I had the opportunity to write some music for this non-profit organization: Children’s Hunger Fund®. The mission of CHF seems quite self-explanatory, but I seriously urge you to take a look here for more information.

Or, you could watch this informational video about the organization! I provided the first musical cue that plays in the video. Enjoy!

CBS Television Distribution


I wrote music specially for CBS’s own in-house music library, which is featured in such primetime television programs as Dr. PhilThe Oprah Winfrey ShowRachael RayEntertainment Tonight, and several others.

Here are some samples of the varying genres I was called upon to compose!