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Children’s Hunger Fund® and I collaborated once again on videos for their “President’s Retreat” event in 2015. Previously established themes and motifs are hinted at, but many new themes are prominent this time around!
Children’s Hunger Fund® and I joined forces again to producing videos for their “President’s Retreat” event. It gave me the opportunity to revisit themes and motifs from the previous President’s Retreat, and create new ones!
dir. Steve Childs
Portrait artist and painter Steve Childs, after hearing my score for the short film Smoke Like Ribbons, approached me about a documentary project with the dance students of the UNC School of the Arts. The project sounded incredibly creative and challenging, and I was flattered that Steve trusted me to write music which would contrast so heavily from what he’d heard in Smoke Like Ribbons — that was, essentially, a dramatic horror film. Much like the dancers within the film, the score for And We Will Dance had to have beauty, flow effortlessly, and have a rhythm to it. Even though there was only about twenty minutes of score written — the rest was filled with music from some amazing independent bands and other artists — I knew this music had to be extremely special, and the kind of quality I needed in the musical performances could not be accomplished synthetically (i.e. with sampled instruments).
Fortunately, I had just returned to my hometown of New Albany, Indiana, for the summer, and was able to enlist the talents of my mother, Helen Bohannon, to perform all the violin parts for the score. I also wanted to involve some budding talent in the area; Chelsea Getty recorded the cello parts. Between the two musicians, they helped bring the kind of “heart” the score really needed, which I couldn’t have gotten from sampled instruments.
If you like this music and want to download it, please consider purchasing your own digital copies on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, or listen on Apple Music and Spotify!
dir. Steve Childs